Window Sill Herb Garden Diy


Window Sill Herb Garden Diy

indoor window sill herb garden

indoor window sill herb garden Source: website

diy windowsill herb garden simple garden gift

diy windowsill herb garden simple garden gift Source: website

diy windowsill herb garden simple garden gift frugal

diy windowsill herb garden simple garden gift frugal Source: website

How to Plant a Windowsill Herb Garden | how-tos | DIY

Good choices for a windowsill herb garden include basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. You can start herbs from seed or purchase small plants. Annual herbs are especially easy to start from seed; most perennial herbs take longer to germinate and grow so it's easier to start with plants. Read more…

How to Make a Windowsill Herb Garden & Grow Culinary Herbs

See our article on 10 Indoor Culinary Herbs that are suitable for your window herb garden. You can also choose to grow your herbs in a rectangle or trough-shaped windowsill herb garden planter. This can work well indoors or out since the shape is ideal to fit on the window sill or decking ledge. Read more…

How to Grow A Windowsill Herb Garden for Kitchen Herbs

DIY Window Sill Garden: Supplies Needed. Of course, you can always choose to go the DIY approach for growing your indoor herb garden on a window sill. It is very important of course that you have the basic supplies, such as potting soil, seeds, and pots. Choosing the Best Pots for Your Garden Read more…
